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If you wish to be notified by E-mail when new products are available, please E-mail me and ask to be placed on the "Notification List." (Tell your spam filter to consider me a trusted friend.) E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Study Materials Written by LaVerne Funderburk
LaVerne may have retired as the state contest director (June 2023), but she did NOT retire from writing study materials for this contest!
As you consider how you will use your contest study materials spending budget for the school year 2024-25, please note packets are currently under construction. See the expected completion time periods below (but some may release earlier, so add your name to the "Notification List"). Until these products appear on this website and on the Order Form, they are not yet completed. Thank you for considering these Accounting study aids.
Please remember Detailed Solutions for UIL Accounting tests do not include the test itself.
The Regional packets are expected to be available in February 2025.
The State packets are expected to be available in March 2025.
For the school year 2024-25, the following products are planned:
Detailed Solutions for UIL Accounting REGIONAL 2024-R
Detailed Solutions for UIL Accounting STATE 2024-S
2025 LFCPA REGIONAL Practice Test
2025 LFCPA STATE Practice Test
The UIL Accounting Concept List's FRAMEWORK is the same as last year. This means that concepts to be covered at each level (district, region, state) will remain the same for 2024-25. The importance of this statement is that all of the prior year study materials written by LaVerne Funderburk continue to be useful for contest preparation.
Updated August 31, 2024